
Join Composo

🚀 Composo is on a mission to ensure that AI transforms our world effectively, rapidly, and safely. Our platform squashes the legal and reputational risk associated with shipping AI apps and improves the helpfulness of our customer’s AI agents.

🔍 We believe subject matter experts are critical to evaluating and improving AI applications. Our platform equips them a powerful evaluation toolkit in a no-code interface, while giving engineers the development freedom they need to ship their best code.

💰 We’ve raised £1m from top angels and VCs (ex-unicorn founders, head of AI at Novartis, etc)


Composo - Founding Software Engineer.pdf

Composo - Chief of Staff.pdf

How To Apply?

Interested? Send an email to luke[at]composo[dot]ai with your CV and a note about why Composo excites you!